Re: new-question about transferring to clay jars

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Re: new-question about transferring to clay jars

Postby yahoo » Wed Aug 11, 2004 3:12 am

> I purchased some reproduction hand made clay wine jars recently to
> a re enactment---I want to make an ancient style beverage. I
> wondered if anyone has any thoughts on the transferring of the wine
> to a clay jar after fermentation (then sealing it with a cork
> and perhaps wax)?
> I certainly don't want shards of amphora exploading all over the
> place...and I dont mind if the thing goes flat. LOL
> Any comments, ideas, or recipes are extremely welcome.
> Farah

You could let it go completely flat but their still could be a
problem. If their is still any unfermented sugar in the beverage
and you seal the bottle it will build pressure again. Even at
40 to 45 deg. I had some beverages that I put into 22oz beer
bottles. They werer in a fridge at 45 deg for 30 days. When I
opened them they were under large amounts of pressure and had
to be bleed slowly. Even at that I lost 1/3 of the bottle and
all the sediments were stired up. Kind of frusttating when you
wait all that time to clarify your drink and that happens. Even
at 45 deg fermentation takes place. Very, very slowly but it does
take place. I now use 33.8oz soda bottles to store my wines.
Every week or so I bleed off any gas that has started to build up.

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