Re: ""yeasty"" flavor

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Re: ""yeasty"" flavor

Postby yahoo » Tue Aug 10, 2004 12:30 pm

--- therockinc@y... wrote:
> My first beverage just finished fermenting. I got impatient dring
> clarification and drank some as soon as it was cold. it tasted
> but I noticed the distinct flavor of the yeast. My question is:
> Does this go away after clarification or will all of mine have this
> flavor? If so i can live with it I'd just rather not have that
> yeasty taste.

The cloudy color in the beverage is suspended yeast
cells. Like Steve said. Once the beverage clears
most (there still might be a faint hint of yeast
flavor)of the yeast taste will go away. I put my
2L bottles in the fridge for 2 or 3 days. Then transfer
the drink ( I like getting the beverage off the lees
(sediment) as soon as possible) into smaller plasic
soda bottles for 10 days. This produces perfectly
clear drinks that look great when you serve them.
The taste is awesome to. If your use to drinking
commercial wines and beers you will notice even the
slight bit of yeast taste. That is because those
beverages are filterd and all the yeast cells are
removed. Even vintage wines are filtered to prevent
any more fermenting from taking place in the corked
bottle. Try drinking a bottled conditioned ale
(Like Sierra Nevada Pale Ale) and you will notice a
hint of yeast taste. If you don't like any yeast taste
then natural alcoholic beverages might not be your
cup of tea:-)

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Joined: Sun Jan 24, 2010 7:25 pm

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