Re: ""yeasty"" flavor

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Re: ""yeasty"" flavor

Postby yahoo » Fri Aug 13, 2004 11:58 am

--- therockinc@y... wrote:
> I'm not really the reason i'm trying to get rid of the yeasty
> flavor, I want to share this with my friends but I allowed a few
> taste my first batch after it had been in the fridge for a couple
> days and their faces made my skin crawl. this second batch seems
> be a lot better though. I let it clarify longer and I'm gonna
> clarify it a second time now that I've run it through a filter.

How much yeast did you use? Again, people that are use to drinking
commercial drinks will notice yeast flavor more than a person who
likes natural bottled conditioned ales and beers. Just put your
bottles in the fridge for 3 days. Then gently pour into another
clean soda bottle. If you do it right you will get most of the drink
out of the primary bottle leaving a few ounces at the most behind.
All of the lees (sediment) will remain in the old bottle. Then
put the secondary bottles in the fridge for 8 to 10 days. The amount
of yeast flavor is very slight at this point. The amount that is
present compliments the overall flavor of the drink in my opinion.

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Joined: Sun Jan 24, 2010 7:25 pm

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