Re: Wine Coolers?

Here are all the old posts from the EZ Caps Yahoo Group

Re: Wine Coolers?

Postby yahoo » Mon Aug 16, 2004 5:52 am

--- "jr4pitt" wrote:
> What is the difference between regular table wine and wine coolers?
> What ingredients do wine coolers have that regular wine does not?
> can one make wine coolers with E-Z Caps?
> Thanks in advance!

Wine coolers are nothing more than juices,sugar and water added to
regular table wine. Mostly white wine such as chablis. They
are higly diluted to the point where they run around 5% alcohol.

You can make wine coolers with EZ Caps by fermenting your beverage
for shorter periods. This produces a sweeter, less alcoholic beverage
that is very simular to commercial wine coolers. Only better.

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Joined: Sun Jan 24, 2010 7:25 pm

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