Re: [E-Z-Caps] Clearing product for wine

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Re: [E-Z-Caps] Clearing product for wine

Postby yahoo » Mon Nov 08, 2004 9:31 am

After fermentation is complete, you can rack it off to another vessel, I use a U shaped syphon tube to prevent any carry over of the dregs from the bottom of the bin,

An alternative is to decant it straight into bottles,2 pairs of hands are useful. Use a clear syphon tube to see what is coming over, gently tilt the bin as you near the bottom. As soon as you see any carry over, stop the process.

Store the bottles upright in your fridge, this will also help to clarify the wine. Once clear, you should decant to the final product.

I hope this helps.


Alan Robinson

xray4545 wrote:

Hello to everyone,
I just started my first ever batch of wine using EZ Caps. I was
wondering what type of clearing agent can be used after fermentation
and you want clearer wine. Are campden tablets good or is there
something easier or better?
When can the clearing agent be added?
Thanks to all.

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