Re: [E-Z-Caps] apple cider?

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Re: [E-Z-Caps] apple cider?

Postby yahoo » Mon Mar 28, 2005 4:37 am

You should shake the bottles gently after adding the yeast for a
quick start to fermentation, but skipping this step shouldn't result in a
stuck fermentation. If you aren't getting any fermentation after 48 hours
you should add another dose of yeast. When preservatives are used it can
really slow the process down. Adding more yeast will speed it up.

At 04:05 PM 3/28/2005 +0000, you wrote:

>Hello all ....
>Recieved the ez-caps this weekend and already have four good
>two-liters "capped off".
>Had a couple of questions ( read most of the postings here ).
>1. I used a mott's apple juice that was 100% juice ( from concentrate
>). I added 1cup of white sugar to it at room temperature, about 1/8
>tsp of the yeast.... got them in bathroom closet (should be around 75
>It doesn't seem like it's fermenting, i can see the yeast particles
>floating around but do not look like they are breaking down (this is
>~48 hrs)
>In comparison, my apple-cran and white grape seem like they are
>bubbling away! I cannot see the yeast particles but it is cloudy and
>gassy. On the applce juice, am I looking at some bum apple juice here
>( there are some chemiclas in it it looks like by way of preservatives
>). I try to bleed the bottle to see if any gas was producing ... i
>got a real weak whisp of gas from it, but imagine that could be gas
>from the normal break down? I don't know.
>2. Do you stir in the yeast when you add it originally? With my
>initial bottles, i just added the yeast without stiring and it settled
>to the bottom (then rose again).
>Thanks much! Looking forward to tasting!
>Yahoo! Groups Links

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