Re: Maple

Here are all the old posts from the EZ Caps Yahoo Group

Re: Maple

Postby yahoo » Thu Oct 13, 2005 5:24 am

Good to hear of your success! As a general rule, anything with a sugar
content can be brewed. As anyone who has made mead (honey wine) will
tell you, some sugars brew easier than others. My guess is that the
syrup or sap will brew, but you will most likely need to add some other
sugar, as well as some other yeast nutrients to get it to brew. I
expect it will take some more time that the cider as well.

When brewing, cider is almost the perfect environment for growing
yeast. Lots of sugar, and lots of nutrients for the yeasty-beasties to
use to multiply. Straight honey (and probably syrup or sap) is lackin
in these natural nutrients, so fermentation will occur more slowly. If
you will be using "store bought" ingredients, make sure there are no
preservatives or sulfates or sulfites. These will retard the growth of
yeast, and stop or at least inhibit your fermentation.

Good luck, and please post your process and results when you get done!

--- "huknbuk" wrote:
> Hi, I just finished my first batch of cider, and it is
> delicious...alarmingly so. I am thinking of different ideas. Has
> anyone ever tried or heard of using either maple syrup or sap?

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