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Re: Beer w/ E-Z caps

PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 3:46 am
by yahoo
--- "Ariesmoon69"
> I want to try making a beer with e-z caps . The only problem I
> not come up with is how much priming sugar for Two 2 liter
> bottles . Ideally I would make a gallon of beer and let it ferment
> completely using a conventional fermentaion lock . Then siphon it
> off into bottles with E-Z caps , add a weak sugar syrup and let it
> carbonate for a week or so . I believe it is necessary to get the
> beer of of the trub ( spent yeast and protien sedimement ) so it
> does not get too bitter . Does anyone have any idea of how much
> sugar to use in the syrup ? I usually use 5 ounces of corn sugar
> dissolved in 8 ounces of water for a 5 gallon batch of beer then
> bottle it in 12 ounce bottles . It would be much less for two
> bottles . Look for a report on my results in a couple of weeks .

The problem is. From what I know about beer making. After you
transfer fermented wort inot a bottle with a EZ Cap you will have
a problem. Don't the EZ caps allow gases to escape? If so how are
you going to carbonate your beer in a bottle with the EZ cap on it.
In order to carbonate carbon dioxide gases need to remain in the
