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Re: [E-Z-Caps] Not a dumb question I hope!

PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 5:00 am
by yahoo
I put mine in beer bottles. You gotta make sure it's
pretty much done fermenting though cuz it could pop
the top off your bottle if you keep it out of the
fridge. Big sticky mess! I have tons of beer bottles
and caps and such cuz I brew beer too. The problem
with letting your wine sit outside the fridge is there
may be some residual yeast that can continue to
ferment and make it taste sour. The cold of the
fridge will deactivate the yeast. You can add some
chemical, can't remember what it is, which stops
fermentation at the point you want. Someone will be
able to tell you. Good luck

--- Tom wrote:

> After I let the wine clear do I still need to keep
> in the frig? I put
> it in canning jars after it is done fermenting.
> Thanks Group!!!!
> Tom

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