Re: [E-Z-Caps] Re: ""yeasty"" flavor

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Re: [E-Z-Caps] Re: ""yeasty"" flavor

Postby yahoo » Wed Aug 11, 2004 12:11 pm

Never try to filter a beverage through a brita filter. It will
just ruin the filter. There are two ways to get all the yeast out:

method 1) Clarify in the fridge. Carefully siphon off into
another container being careful not to disturb the
sediment. Repeat. Clarify. Pour through coffee filter.

method 2) Add a chemical specifically sold to clarify home brew
wines or beers. Then follow method 1.

Both methods work equally well, but method 2 will shave a few days
off the process. Method 2 is also better for bottling if you are unsure
fermentation has ended as most of the clarifiers also kill the yeast. Some
of these chemicals contain sulfites which can cause rare allergic reactions
and have anecdotally been linked to cancer. Other clarifiers, like
gelatin, may not kill all the yeast but is also effective.

At 05:17 AM 8/11/2004 +0000, you wrote:
>I don't mind a slight hint of yeast taste (sierra nevada happens to
>be one of my favorite beers) it's just mine was so strong. I'll let
>my next batch clarify before drinking. I was just concerned to see
>if my first batch worked. quick question though: I'm wanting to
>serve this to some friends and i'm not sure if they'll detect the
>taste after clarifying or not, do you think if i poured it through
>one of those brita pitchers it would filter out all of the yeast and
>if it did would it filter out good parts of the beverage?
>--- "ramjammn" wrote:
> > --- In, therockinc@y... wrote:
> > > My first beverage just finished fermenting. I got impatient
> > > clarification and drank some as soon as it was cold. it tasted
> > good
> > > but I noticed the distinct flavor of the yeast. My question
> > > Does this go away after clarification or will all of mine have
> > > flavor? If so i can live with it I'd just rather not have that
> > > yeasty taste.
> >
> > The cloudy color in the beverage is suspended yeast
> > cells. Like Steve said. Once the beverage clears
> > most (there still might be a faint hint of yeast
> > flavor)of the yeast taste will go away. I put my
> > 2L bottles in the fridge for 2 or 3 days. Then transfer
> > the drink ( I like getting the beverage off the lees
> > (sediment) as soon as possible) into smaller plasic
> > soda bottles for 10 days. This produces perfectly
> > clear drinks that look great when you serve them.
> > The taste is awesome to. If your use to drinking
> > commercial wines and beers you will notice even the
> > slight bit of yeast taste. That is because those
> > beverages are filterd and all the yeast cells are
> > removed. Even vintage wines are filtered to prevent
> > any more fermenting from taking place in the corked
> > bottle. Try drinking a bottled conditioned ale
> > (Like Sierra Nevada Pale Ale) and you will notice a
> > hint of yeast taste. If you don't like any yeast taste
> > then natural alcoholic

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