RE: [E-Z-Caps] Digest Number 246

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RE: [E-Z-Caps] Digest Number 246

Postby yahoo » Sun Nov 20, 2005 8:02 am

Yes, I've done a control test. One 2 liter I used regular white sugar,
the other 2 liter bottle regular brown sugar. At the end of 10 days,
using a vinometer the white cane sugar bottle finished at 12% alcohol,
and the brown sugar bottle finished at 17% alcohol. Also, the brown
sugar test had a more sparkling effect, and my boss mentioned the white
sugar one had a faint cidery taste. Probably it was still fermenting at
10 days later and would have gone even higher, yet I put both in the
refrigerator to stop the action. Both were absolutely excellent in
dryness, sparkle and I love the ease of EZ Caps. I've used other
methods but this is a safe, portable way to keep kids out of playing
with or removing the bubble trap on larger fermenting bottles.

I need help understanding using old yeast. I still have these bottles
remains in the refrigerator. How much old yeast do I reuse? Would I
also pitch new yeast in a new batch? How good or how long does old
yeast stay if refrigerated?

What about black stuff floating in bottles during early fermentation? I
did another experiment by letting herbs and grains sit suspended in
water, but loosely covered in my garage for 5 days and noticed it was
extracted, and possibly fermenting because there was foam. Is that too
long? I strained it, began the EZ Caps process, but noticed after
capping and adding sugar and the EZ Cap yeast it had lots of black
stuff floating the first week, but it died and floated to the bottom.
Is my experiment safe to consume? Should I throw it out? What is the
time limit and should I be careful to keep the initial extraction
process air tight? I didn't keep it air tight but loosely covered.

> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [E-Z-Caps] Digest Number 246
> From:
> Date: Sun, November 20, 2005 5:10 am
> To:
> There is 1 message in this issue.
> Topics in this digest:
> 1. Brown Sugar
> From: "cop8_wannabe"
> ________________________________________________________________________
> ________________________________________________________________________
> Message: 1
> Date: Sat, 19 Nov 2005 02:31:53 -0000
> From: "cop8_wannabe"
> Subject: Brown Sugar
> I just recently purchased my EZ caps and gave it a quick go with all
> 6 caps at once for roughly about a 2 week fermentation period based
> off of a friend's recipe.
> However instead of the standard 1 cup of sugar, I did half a cup of
> white sugar and half a cup of brown sugar. I found that my
> concoctions contained a higher alcohol content and therefore "dry"
> taste.
> I made:
> A straight honey mead
> Honey mead with apple juice
> White Wine
> Red Wine
> Pear Cider
> Apple

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