Re: [E-Z-Caps] Beer Recipe?

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Re: [E-Z-Caps] Beer Recipe?

Postby yahoo » Mon May 15, 2006 4:58 am

I brew beer using a regular fermenter with an air lock.
However the EZ Caps does about the same thing, just difference in size!

Here's a simple recipe: - makes 2.5 Gal.

a) 1 can Liquid Malt Extract (various types available) - usually 1 can makes up to 23 litres (5 gal) so you may wish to half it and freeze the rest in a plastic container.

b) 250gm Dry Light Malt Extract

c) 20gm Hops (place in disposal soup bag or strain after boil)

d) 1 packet dry ale yeast.

e) 250gm Honey

Note: Items a - e available at homebrew store. Use any type of honey will do.

Bring 4 litres of water to boil. Remove from heat and add 1/2 can of liquid malt extract, 250gm Dry light malt
extract, 200gm honey. Bring back to heat and boil. Once you see white foam forming, add the hop. Continue to boil for at least 30 minutes. Watch out for boil-overs. This boiled solution is called wort, after fermentation it is called beer.

After 30 minutes, allow to cool down. To cool down rapidly, carefully bring the brew pot to a sink and run cold water around the pot. I get good cooling results by using a larger tub filled with cold water and placing the hot brew pot into the tub.

NOTE: from now on, everything that touched the wort MUST be sanitized! Failure to sanitize may result in off-flavor caused by wild yeast infestation.

When temperature of wort is down to 20C, pitch in the yeast, use a sanitize long spatula and give it a good stir to ensure it is thoroughly mixed with the wort.

your sanitized bottles with the wort and allow to ferment or about a week with the EZ Caps on. You should be able to get a young beer within a week, but it gets better if you do this:

Sanitize equal number of bottles, after a week of fermentation, carefully open the first bottle, and using a sanitized funnel, transfer your beer into the freshly sanitized bottle. Do not pour the trub at the bottom of the bottle, trash them but you may keep a bottle or two of the yeast trub for your next brew (must refrigerate). EZ Cap your freshly transferred beer and allow secondary fermentation for another week or two.

After two weeks (or your patience runs out), chill a bottle and enjoy! To have a more carbonated beer, after 2 weeks of secondary, replace EZ Caps with regular caps, this will prevent venting of CO2 and cause your beer to be more carbonated (careful here, too early and it may cause bottle
to explode.)

PLenty of work, but it works for me. However I prefer to use the regular fermenters as it give less work.


johnbutlertriofan51 wrote:

I am wondering how to make beer with the EZ Cap. I need a step by step
guide if anyone wants to take the time to make one. I am also
wondering if anyone has found a way to make a beer like ""Blue Moon""?

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