Not impressed

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Not impressed

Postby yahoo » Mon Jan 17, 2005 6:34 am

I got the caps, yeast and instructions. I have tried 4 different
juices: organic apple cider, concord grape, strawberry/bannana and a
product called Green Goodness that has apple, pineapple, kiwiu and
even some brocolli in it. I am disappointed. I mixed like in
instructions, I tried fermenting them for a week even with heating
pad on them occasionally just in case my Minnesota outside weather
is not conducive to good inside climate. I am not impressed nor are
my friends. I had to pour the Green Goodness concoction down the
drain as it stunk and I was concerned about my health if I drank
it. The others: first day or two produce some foam and then look
like nothing is going on unless I open the cap, then they foam up a
bit as the CO2 is released. (I have put about 1/8th or more of a tsp
of yeast in) Over all I just cannot tell whether my end product has
alcohol ( no buzz from it ), has actually fermented or rotted
thereby producing the CO2, or what. I am all for cheap wine making
but I should think one should have wine out as an end product and
this certainly is crap wine if wine at all. Any advice?

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Joined: Sun Jan 24, 2010 7:25 pm

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